Starcat’s Favorites: Summer Sunshine
At last, it’s here! Glorious summer! I know, I know, it’s not everyone’s favorite time of year. So many people can’t tolerate the heat. But me? I love it! So, I’m celebrating. Last weekend I attended my best friend’s daughter’s graduation party, at the beach. It was such fun! It’s so fun to be able […]
Why I’m a Druid by D&D Rules
Do you play that imagination game where you figure out what you’d be in a certain scenario? For example, which Hogwarts House you’d be sorted into (Ravenclaw, of course), and that sort of thing? Or is that just me? I love those little sorting and labeling quizzes, though I try to resist them now since […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Magickal Staycation
As much as I love to travel, I’m currently not minding having to take a “staycation” this week instead of a more traditional vacation (thanks, 2020). Why? Well, first of all, I love summer in Maine. I’m so blessed to live in a place of natural beauty, with easy access to beaches, lakes, mountains, and […]
Goddesses of Writing & Creativity
I’ve written before about the Muses and how to craft a relationship with them that enhances your creative power. Now let’s look at some Goddesses (and a couple of Gods) who can also infuse your creative work with some extra energy. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you’ll know that, in my […]
Winter Solstice: Nourishing Your Spark
Winter Solstice is a time of paradox. It’s the turning point, where the light returns and the days begin to grow longer once more. It’s also the official start of winter, ushering in the coldest, most snowy months of the year. This is the height of the winter holiday frenzy, and in less than two […]
What the…Faith?
I grew up in a household that I’d now describe as a combination of atheist and agnostic. We didn’t attend church – after a failed experiment of my Mom sending me to Sunday school at my Baptist paternal grandmother’s urging. Mom didn’t appreciate her little 4-year-old innocent child being sent home with pamphlets saying I […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Getting Results
It’s no secret to longtime readers that I LOVE summer. But it’s not just the warmer days and more time off to enjoy this gorgeous season. It’s also that it’s the season of abundance. Flowers, strawberries, vegetable stands, the trees, sunshine – it feels like everything is in bloom. Abundance surrounds us. For me, it’s […]