
Not-So-Sweet Emotions

I have an ambivalent relationship with sugar. My family has a history of adult-onset diabetes, and I’ve wondered if that’s part of it. It happens to be a food that I’m sensitive to, and interestingly, it’s my emotions that seem most affected. Sometimes I feel like I’m addicted to sweets, and crave them as a […]

The Spirals of Life

It’s time for Thanksgiving once again, and then the winter holiday season will be fully upon us. I have to say – I love holidays! I often enjoy the preparations as much as the celebrations themselves. The holidays are a time of traditions, and although things may seem the same each year, if you look […]

Confession Time

I am an unusual person, with an unconventional lifestyle. I’m a legally licensed Pagan priestess. I’m a vegetarian who eats mostly vegan food. I do Reiki healing. I radically unschool my kids. I dye my hair strange colors, just for fun. I have three tattoos, and want more. I practice yoga and meditation regularly. I […]

Psst, Pass It On

I’m blessed with a vibrant community. I know many types of people who have a wide variety of interests and outlooks on life. My Facebook friends list tells the tale. Look closely and you’d see overlapping ripples of people who know each other in varying contexts. There’s a core group of homeschool families, the Maine […]

The Red Temple

I just came home from the third meeting of a new group for Pagan women here in Maine: The Red Temple. It was started by a friend who decided to invite a diverse group of women to get together each month on the new moon. We gather for conversation, group projects, and (of course) snacks. […]

Original Bliss

I attended the fall meeting of the MPCA today. One of the things we talked about was the need for the leaders of groups and rituals to be responsible for the well being of all the participants. The discussion was sparked by the events at a sweat lodge in Arizona last month, where two participants […]

Why Worry?

It seems to be part of our human nature to worry. In my opinion, it’s largely a waste of time and energy. If we’re creating more of what we focus on, then why manifest these unpleasant thoughts in our experience? However, “don’t worry, be happy” is much easier said than done. This Samhain I decided […]

The Spiral of Spiritual Growth

This is an article I wrote for the Summer 2009 edition of the EarthTides Pagan Network’s newsletter. I have a regular column there, called Starcat’s Corner. *** As Pagans, we observe and celebrate the notion of cycles: the seasons, the phases of the Moon, the life cycles of humans, animals and other creatures. I’ve observed […]

Magickal Activism

Lots of magickal activism is happening now, on all levels. In myself, my renewed yoga practice is supporting me in cultivating health, harmony and centeredness, even when I’m outwardly busily swirling through life’s daily activities. Even on days when I feel tired, or lazy, or a just little “off,” I’m most often making my way […]

Buzzing About Bees

As part of my plan to be at home more, I want to build beehives and work with a colony or two of honeybees. My primary motive is not to share their honey and beeswax, though I will be honored to do so, but to get to know the energy and spirit of these fascinating […]