old patterns

Change Can Be Good…Really!

In the past week, I’ve had no less than three people, all from my close community, tell me that my blog posts seem sad, or worrying, or stressed. Don’t worry, faithful readers! I’m doing just fine. I’m continuing to learn and grow, and enjoying the process most of the time. I mean, yes, I have […]

Why I Don’t Like Chess

I don’t usually talk that much. I’m more of a listener, an observer. But I do think about things quite a bit. And when I’ve thought things through for a while, particularly if it’s a topic that has piqued my interest, anomalies I’ve noticed, or an area where my personal philosophy seems to differ from […]

Steps Forward, Steps Back

I had such a horrible day yesterday, and all because of my attitude. I’m not sure why it happened, though I can speculate. Perhaps all the toxins I’m clearing out of my psyche caught up to me. A friend has a theory that anytime you try to get rid of an old pattern, the pattern […]

Active Forgiveness

The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse is proving to be rather intense and wonderful. Yesterday’s focus was on forgiveness, and I want to share what I wrote for one of the writing exercises. The exercise involved writing to God (or whatever you choose to call the Divine energy) to ask for help with forgiving old grudges, resentments […]

Things I’ve Learned About Stress

As I enter my fifth decade of life on planet Earth, here are some things I’ve learned about stress. Most of us know that stress is not good for our bodies, minds, or spirits. Yet often we think of it as an unavoidable part of life. While that may be true on some levels, for […]

Crunch Time

Up until now I’ve been filled with joy about the holiday season. Truly. And yes, I’m one of those Virgos Who Do Too Much. I come by it honestly – my Mom’s a Virgo too, and has always done a huge amount of holiday preparations, from decorating to crafts to cooking to gifts to…lots of […]

Use Your Imagination

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut of predictable thinking. I appreciate traditions and the cycles of life, but doing things because “that’s how we’ve always done it” can cause us to miss wonderful opportunities for growth and joy. The best way to get out of this kind of pattern is to use your imagination. […]

Just Trying to Help

I have two friends, who don’t know one another, who have both been having a really rough time lately. Part of the trouble they mention is that they are each lonely and seeking a companion (no, I don’t think they would make a good couple), and I understand that this time of year can be […]

Subaru, Come Home!

In the fall of 2008, my green 1999 Subaru Outback was totaled in a car accident. Don’t laugh, but we swerved while trying to avoid hitting a chipmunk (yeah, I know, soft-hearted hippies!). Luckily, none of the passengers were hurt, including our dog Star. But the poor car was not fixable. We did have collision […]

A Balanced Lifestyle

We’ve been really busy lately, for various reasons, and I’m feeling a bit of strain and a desire to slow down. There are also some creative projects that I’ve been neglecting simply because I’ve been out straight “doing stuff.” It seems that our family’s balance between busy and relaxed varies quite a bit. Sometimes we’ll […]