Notes From the Jungle
My Rob Brezsny horoscope for this week reads: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I don’t think you’re fully aware of the game you’ve been immersed in. You may even be in denial that you’re playing it. If I’m right about this, please make it a priority to acknowledge what’s going on and identify the exact nature […]
Is It Enough?
Do you have anyone in your life who judges you and causes you to feel like you’re never enough? Maybe it’s even a family member, someone you love and care about deeply. I had this experience recently. I feel I’ve been working hard and being of service to various people in my family and community. […]
Home Again, Home Again
I’ve been away much of this week, spending some time with Quester’s family, and it’s been pretty intense. More about that later, when things are more fully resolved. For now, I’ll just say that there have been many moments of sadness and tears, as well as those of joy. Alongside these family matters, I’ve been […]
Being a Heart-Centered Entrepreneur
When I don’t know how to do something, I study it. I’ve discovered in my studies of the past few years that there are many of us out here who are heart-centered entrepreneurs, creating purpose-based businesses. We want to help others, and to find ways to support ourselves and our families while doing what we’re […]