Digging Really Deep
I’m sitting here on a rainy May morning, contemplating how much my life has changed over the past few years. On the outside, it might not look like things have shifted all that much. I’m still living in the country, enjoying my writing, still working at the radio station part time, very involved in the […]
Dancing Amidst the Chaos
Recently BlackLion and I were having a conversation about Being. What I mean by that, with the fancy capital letter and all, is that feeling you have when you’re centered in your own essence. You have a sense of inner calm and relaxation, and you’re comfortable with your place in the Universe. You’re not (necessarily) doing anything, […]
Let Go Of the Need to Be Mean
I recently read an article titled “Could You Go 40 Days Without Being Mean?” (thanks to Spinster Jane for the link). At first I was thinking, sure, no problem, I’m a pretty kind person in general. But the article has been rattling around in my mind, and I started thinking about the various aspects of […]
Banishing the March Blues
It seems like every year around this time I go through some kind of emotional struggle, or even a physical illness. It’s an old familiar pattern. Even when I start the year off with exciting goals and intentions, March is when things seem to crash. Here in northern New England, while there are some signs […]
Your Spiritual Superpowers
We all have various talents and skills, ones that are innate to us and others that we may have nurtured and refined over time. In modern culture, valued skills are ones that are obvious to everyone. You might be a great cook, able to repair just about any piece of machinery, a whiz at computers, […]
How to Release Your Mean Inner Critic
One of the things that all humans have in common is our non-stop thinking. Our brains almost never stop their chatter, except for when we fall asleep at night. The quality of that mental self-talk can affect us profoundly. You might never have noticed the things you tell yourself, day after day. And yet that […]
Recovering From Mercury Retrograde
Well, that was certainly dramatic! Mercury’s most recent journey through retrograde took place from October 4th through the 25th. These times of Mercury retrograde are when communication gets messed up – whether via technology or simple face-to-face relationships. We also have a couple of eclipses thrown into the mix for good measure. So…. how was […]