The Care & Feeding of A Thriving Artist
So you want to be a Thriving Artist. You decide to incorporate one (or more) of your creative passions into your everyday life. Go, you! But now what? How do you sustain yourself for the long haul? Especially when “everyone else” seems to be either: A) lounging on the couch watching Netflix or B) getting […]
9 Self-Care Practices You Can Do at Home
Self-care is particularly crucial in a time of crisis. Sometimes you can’t get out into the world for a massage or an artist date, whether it’s due to the global pandemic we’re experiencing now or for personal reasons from health to finances. Here are 9 things you can do to fill your own cup, from […]
Travel and the Creative Soul
What comes to mind when you hear the word “adventure?” For me, it’s a no-brainer. Adventure means TRAVEL. Travel feeds my creative soul like nothing else. I first caught the travel bug when I was a shy teenage Girl Scout. The longer I stayed in Girl Scouts, the fewer peers and the smaller the troop […]
There Will Be Ebb
If you’ve done any kind of sustained creative work at all, you know that feeling when inspiration strikes and you ride the wave of powerful creative flow. It’s so thrilling! You also know that eventually that wave crashes on the shore, and the water ebbs away. You find yourself sitting in the sand, wondering what […]