
What’s New, Pussycat?

We’re all feeling healed up and no longer coughing and sniffling. Yay! And even though it’s a dreary day outside, it smelled like spring this morning when I left for work.Here’s a picture of Star on Saturday, which was a big snow day around here. In other news, Crow’s basketball team, coached by Quester, won […]

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

OK, so if this works, for the first time ever, this blog will have actual real pictures! No, not just the little one of me up in the corner that BlackLion put there. I mean acutal photographs, taken, transferred and posted by yours truly! OK, so here goes: Here is ElvenTiger, my sweet 9-year-old, who […]

Mediocre Midwinter Update

I’ve been feeling under the weather (which, by the way, consists of snow and more snow) from an icky winter virus. My sinuses ache, and I’m tired of coughing and blowing my nose. I just want to lie down in a dark room. The kids, who had the virus first and passed it back and […]

The Snow is Always Fluffier…

I was going to call this post “The Grass is Always Greener,” but the landscape here is one of ice and snow, with green grass but a wispy memory. The question is: why is it that we always seem to want something other than what we have? In the abundance of snow, we’re aching for […]

Unschooling Wisdom

My metaphysical studies began, back in the early 1990s, with the Seth material and the books of Jane Roberts. Seth is a non-physical entity from another plane of reality, and his teachings were channeled through a writer named Jane Roberts, who also shared her own thoughts and ideas through her works of fiction and non-fiction. […]

Wintry Darkness

It’s the dark of the moon tonight, and supposedly a wintry mix of weather besides. Today’s rain was expected to turn to snow. Our homeschool group, the Maine Wholeschoolers, was supposed to do our Midyear Review tonight. We canceled so folks wouldn’t have to drive in the snow, but this next phase of the storm […]

A Birthday Tribute

Today is the day to celebrate ElvenTiger (that is her chosen magickal name, not what she goes by every day). My youngest child turns 9 years old! On the day she was born, we had a Nor’Easter snowstorm – and today, just as she’d predicted, we woke up to a very similar storm! She told […]

Kid quote

We’ve been listening to an all-holiday-music commercial radio station in the car. Last night we heard an ad about how to reduce your consumerism. “Getting off the consumer treadmill will be easy for us,” quipped Crow. “I don’t even think we’re on it!”

Creating a Process-Folio

I recently read The Unschooled Mind by Howard Gardner. It was focused primarily on how to change and improve public education in order to foster true understanding (rather than the “teaching to the test” that goes on too much of the time). One of the concepts that I found really intriguing is that of “process-folios.” […]

Weekend in the Life Of…

So, just what does a Starcat do on the weekends? Well, being a soccer Mom (not to mention basketball and other sports), I often attend a lot of games. Right now we’re in between sessions, so we didn’t have (much) sports-related activity this weekend. Friday night I had dinner at Mom and Dad’s – they’d […]