
Education for the Soul

“Avoid compulsion and let early education be a manner of amusement. Young children learn by games; compulsory education cannot remain in the soul.” – Plato

A Little Break

The schools have vacation this week. It does affect us, even as homeschoolers. Primarily because we don’t have any sports events this week. Recently we’ve had a lot of basketball practices, basketball games, and indoor soccer games. I’m glad we’re getting a little bit of a break this week, especially since they all seem to […]

Bridget and Her Girls

…at her 10th birthday party.

Waiting for the Boredom

Since I took over with the kids’ homeschooling, I’ve been practicing “radical unschooling.” The basic idea is that all kids want to learn and explore their interests, and if you just let them go with the flow, they’ll find out all that they need. Part of it is relaxing enough to *really* let them do […]

I Never Thought of It That Way

“You do realize that Abraham and Seth and those guys are probably outlaws?” said Dryst (age 12) this morning. I replied “What, for talking to us?” “Yeah, the very fact that more of them haven’t come, proves it. It’s probably like, ‘don’t mess with the Earth people, let them evolve by themselves!’” He’s really insightful, […]

So Many Projects!

It must be fall – I’m feeling creative and inspired, and I have so many projects either underway, or in the planning phases. I’ve got a few winter holiday (Christmas/Yule/Solstice/New Year’s) gifts in mind already that I want to create. I can’t mention them here, at the risk of spoiling the surprise. For writing projects, […]

Unschooling and Record Keeping

I’ve been catching up on my magazine reading, and my favorite is Home Education. It’s gotten me thinking about record keeping – not only for legal reasons related to our end-of-year portfolio review, but also just for our own purposes as a family. Unschooling, in case you wonder what I’m talking about, is a form […]

Summertime, and the Livin’ is Easy…

Hey everyone! I’ve been really enjoying my new lifestyle. Yep, my goal of becoming an at-home Mom and writer (as well as gardener and beekeeper) has been achieved! I’ve been really busy, though…so much so that I wonder how I ever managed to fit in 40 hours of work plus commuting. Quester is starting his […]

And Now…The Pictures

ElvenTiger had a pretty fun weekend. She player her best on the soccer field! Our newest sport: lacrosse! Can you tell he’s a bit excited? That’s one sacked out cat! Isn’t he adorable? OK, now read on if you’d like the verbal depiction of our weekend.

What Do Unschoolers Do?

I thought it might be time for another “weekend in the life of Starcat” post. I’m hoping some of my new pals on the three unschooling e-mail lists I’ve joined might stop by to check out this blog. And since I get so much out of reading about their lives, I thought I’d share some […]