Pondering Reading
Yesterday ElvenTiger tried out for her first play, “The Grinch.” Along with three of her friends who tried out with her, she got a part as a Who villager. This means she’ll be part of the “Whoville Chorus.” Since she’s even more interested in singing than acting, it’s perfect for her. I think I was […]
Ahhh, September
I love September. Even though we’re unschoolers, that back-to-school vibe in the air gets me feeling creative and productive. I’m making lists and checking them twice. I’m concocting ideas for new projects even as I try to keep up with the ones I already have on my plate. I join things, and say yes to […]
I’m just about finished reading “The Teenage Liberation Handbook” by Grace Llewellyn, and I can’t recommend it enough! (Quester asked me if I wasn’t a bit too old for it, and my answer was an emphatic “no!” and a big smile). It’s such an amazing book. I already had a similar philosophy, that if allowed […]
An Unschool Update
“We tackle our schoolish sort of work in the mornings. It’s quite possible to pack twelve or thirteen years of traditional schooling into about five or six at home by waiting for readiness and desire. Most children will buck a lot of sit-down work at eight, but seem to want it at twelve or thirteen. […]
Yes, It’s Still Winter
These Maine winters can be, well, long. I mean, it’s only the end of January, and we’ll probably have snow at least through early April. Think about it. I’m already tired of the cold. The appeal has even worn thin for ElvenTiger, who loves snow. Every day lately, it’s been either very bitterly cold, or […]
Winter Photo Essay
I thought it was time to share some images of what we’ve been up to so far this winter. Here goes! We’ve been partying with our friends. The boys won the New Year’s Eve competition, hands-down, with their hilarious skit. We’ve been playing lots and lots of games: board games, video games, card games, dice […]
Thanksgiving Week Plans
How did it get to be Thanksgiving week already?! I’ve been enjoying a rather quiet and introspective month, by choice, but I’m also glad for the arrival of the holiday season. I thought I’d share some of our plans and projects for this week. I just posted this blog’s address on a new Unschooling group […]
Fall Photo Essay
I have so many friends who are terrific photographers that you’d think I’d be intimidated. But actually I’ve been inspired lately, and have been taking lots of photos. BlackLion and I decided to do our own photos for our weekly e-newsletter, Dream Journal, and that’s been fun. I’m a joyful amateur. So, taking a cue […]
Life in Harmony with the Seasons
One of the many things I like about homeschooling is the ability to be flexible with the family’s schedule. Granted, there are events that happen at certain times, like sports practices and community classes. But in general, our unschooling lifestyle allows us to live in harmony with the seasons. This week we had a late-summer […]