
Starcat’s Favorites: Digging In

Well, hello there! I guess I haven’t written anything here since last week’s favorites. I’ve been digging in deep this week, working on a few projects that kept me busy. This Wednesday was the kids’ end-of-year portfolio review, so I got to look over all the things they did this past year, and see how […]

My Half-Year Check-In

Is it hard for you to believe that we’re already halfway through 2012? It is for me. So I thought I’d do a check-in on how I’m doing with my goals for this year. Not in a judgemental way (or at least, I’ll try not to be that way), but more to see what’s going […]

Honoring Creative Expressions of All Stripes

BlackLion and I have recently, through our drumming with the Dark Follies vaudeville troupe, gotten involved in the steampunk movement (click here if you’d like to learn more about what that means). We attended the Steampunk World’s Fair in New Jersey last weekend, and had such a fun time! If you link up with me […]

Recent Doings at the Homestead (and Beyond)

I’ve just noticed that I’ve had an inadvertent blog vacation, and haven’t written anything here for quite a while. Hello there! How have you been? Let’s see, what have we been up to for the last couple of weeks? A whole lot, really! As an update to my last post, I’ve submitted both my article […]

ElvenTiger’s Week

I’ve mentioned before how my daughter ElvenTiger, who is 12, isn’t really academically inclined. By this I mean that she’s not the type to learn by sitting and doing worksheets or writing reports, although she has done those things. However, she does love to learn, and she’s always learning new things. Her preferred style of […]

Hardy Girls, Healthy Women

Last night I attended a gathering of about a dozen homeschooling Moms who are interested in learning more about empowering their pre-teen and teen daughters. It was held at the lovely home of a woman I’d “met” online. She runs an e-mail list for homeschoolers in my area (a great resource), and she’s also a […]

End of Soccer Season

Today Dryst has his final soccer game of the season. He’s been playing on the junior varsity team for the local high school. Dryst has been playing soccer since he was six. He loves it with a fierce passion, though he’s getting tired of playing in this school district, because his team rarely wins. I […]

Co-op Love!

Our family has joined a homeschool co-op. What this means is that families get together (in this case, about 80 families!) and together we offer classes, clubs, activities, and other fun things. The kids range from babes in slings to independent teenagers. So far ElvenTiger and I have been the ones exploring it, though BlackLion […]


No, no, silly, I’m beyond the childbearing years. I have teenagers! I’m talking about my eyes. I went to a new eye doctor today. My awesome Dad drove me, and he paid for the appointment (it was my birthday gift). So my blog today will be relatively short. I would have written it later, when […]

Sharing the Joy of Journals

This fall, ElvenTiger and I joined a newly-formed homeschool co-op group in our area. Well, the whole family is a part of it, really, but we’re the ones who have gotten involved so far. ElvenTiger’s taking classes in basket-weaving and cooking, and next session will be helping teach a knitting class. She loves it. I’m […]