Category: health
Starcat’s Favorites: Books and Bookstores
Happy Independent Bookstore Day! Yes, that’s really a thing. Today’s a wonderful day to visit your favorite local bookstore. I thought I’d kick off the festivities by sharing photos of my “to be read” and “currently reading” piles. The shorter pile is what I’m currently reading (or re-reading, in the case of Women Who Run…
3 Tips for Loving What You Do
One of the best gifts I’ve given myself in my adult life is to do what I love, and love what I do. I’m not exaggerating when I say it has completely changed my life, in so many positive ways. It’s especially vital for creative types, and those drawn to spiritual matters – yeah, I’m…
Starcat’s Favorites: Transformation
We’re already almost finished with the first month of 2019, but I’m finding that I’m still processing 2018. Can you relate? It was a hugely transformational year for me and my family. We became empty-nesters. Quester broke his ankle, badly, and had to have (not one but two) surgeries. BlackLion got a new job outside…
Fun With Fitness
Writing, as I’ve mentioned before, is a pretty sedentary career. I know, because I’ve gained some weight over the past few years, as I focus more on my writing and book midwife work. So for my birthday in September, I told my son I was interested in getting a fitness tracker, and he gifted me…
Wellness Isn’t Linear, Either
I love the quote about the creative process not being linear. Finding the original quote has proven impossible (I’d love to credit the author, so let me know if you know), but you get the gist. I find that to be true. In my experience, improving one’s physical wellness also follows a rather meandering path.…
Evolving Spiritual Practices
This summer I celebrated an unusual anniversary: 20 consecutive years of daily spiritual practice! Yes, really. My practice, as you might imagine, has evolved quite a lot over the last two decades. Recently, my morning practice involves 30 minutes of silent meditation followed by bullet journaling. The meditation itself includes a chakra clearing as well…
Starcat’s Favorites: The Soul of Summer
If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know that I absolutely LOVE summer. So here I am, in my glory! Picnics, swimming in the lake, fresh strawberries, journaling in the hammock, playing Pokemon Go, hanging out with family, beach time with friends, and attending outdoor concerts. Ahh, this is the life.…
Starcat’s Favorites: Highs and Lows
This month has been really weird for me thus far. Not just nationally and internationally, although the news we’ve been getting lately is certainly horrific. But also on a more personal level. On July 4th weekend, we had planned a visit from some close friends, and a cookout with them and my extended clan. We…
Saying Yes to Yourself
There is deep value in saying no to invitations that distract you from the things that are most important to you. The other side of that coin, though, is thinking about when you choose to say yes. In your life, I’m sure there are things that are automatic yesses for you – taking care of…
10 Reasons to Love Growing Older
I was talking with a friend recently about the perks of being the age we are now (I’m 46 as of this writing, he’s in his early 50s). Contrary to what our culture preaches, getting older is not inherently depressing or awful. In fact, research is showing that older people are actually happier! Don’t get me…