Category: games

  • My 25 Random Things Post

    One of my favorite bloggers, entrepreneurs and online personalities is Leonie Dawson. She’s creative, irreverent, funny, and tells it like it is. She recently put up this post, which hearkens back to when she first started blogging. She mentioned 2006, and since that’s the very year I started this blog, I figured I’d play along…

  • Summer Solstice and PortCon

    What have I been up to lately? Quite the whirlwind of a weekend! Summer is here and we were busy welcoming it and celebrating, creating, and performing. The main event of the weekend was, of course, the Summer Solstice! We celebrated in several ways. The actual time of the Solstice here in Maine was early…

  • Starcat’s Favorites: Snow Day

    I’m enjoying being snowed in today. The cats are sort of bored, but not me. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy. Currently I’m listening to A Prairie Home Companion and waiting for the vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie to finish baking. Everyone else in my family is playing video games of one sort or…

  • Our Fun Feline Fae Tea Party!

    So, when I found out about the fantastic Mad Tea Party being hosted over at A Fanciful Twist, I knew it would be a perfect thing to become a part of. Why, you might ask? Well, for several reasons. First, on the very day that it starts, we had already planned our annual Big Backyard…

  • These Are a Few of Our Favorite Games

    I guess I’m on a roll, in terms of playing along with my favorite blogs. Here’s another one: over on Ordinary Life Magic, they’re running a game giveaway. Go ahead over and check it out! And in the meantime, here are some of our family’s favorite games. We have 3 adults (in our 40s) and…

  • Craving…Doing…Being (Thankful)

    I got tagged by my friend at Surviving the Suburbs (simply because I read her entry, heh heh), so I figured I’d play along… craving:– a good book (I just need to pick one from my “to read” piles, having just finished The Faery Reel)– having the Subaru back once again (can you say, transmission…

  • Tool of the Oracle: Your True Nature

    I’m going to play one of those “blog meme” games, which I found here. Why? Because it sounded like fun. So, here’s the deal: Instructions: 1. Delve into your blog archive.2. Find your 23rd post.3. Find the fifth sentence.4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. Mine, found in…

  • For All of You Who Love Gaming…

    …and you know who you are…here’s a quote I found interesting. It’s from a fun novel I’m reading, and the quoted part is a bit long, but I wanted to be sure to include the whole concept. The first speaker is a game designer: “‘My feeling about it – history goes through different stages. Right?…

  • Busy Elves

    Oh, how I wish I could discuss and describe the various creative projects I’m working on this week. Alas, many of my friends and family are readers of this blog, so that will have to wait until after the gifts have been given! Of course, I’ve already mentioned the cutout cards. And there is cooking…

  • A Snowy Day

    Today we got up to a pretty snow-covered landscape. That is, some of us got up. I’m speaking of Percy kitten, who slept much of the day away. Though he did arise eventually, went out briefly, and returned wet and hungry. So the kids dried him off and fed him and all is well. Merlin…