Category: food
Starcat’s Favorites: New Moon
Happy New Moon! I had a weird week. There were lots of strange energies floating about. I often feel like I’m floundering a bit during the dark of the moon. Last night someone said that Neptune was retrograde, too; I’m not sure what it means, but it does make sense that something was retrograde. Yet…
Curried Tempeh Salad
Last summer, when Dark Follies was on the road quite a bit, our fearless leader brought along these fabulous picnic lunches. Everyone raved about the curried chicken salad she made. She also provided a curried egg salad version for the vegetarians. Since I don’t eat meat, and I’m not a huge fan of egg salad,…
Starcat’s Favorites: Spring Weekends
Hi all! I haven’t done a Starcat’s Favorites post for quite some time, my weekends having been filled up with all sorts of fun events lately. Ah, Spring! It’s great to get out and enjoy the world without freezing my toes off. I’ve also been focused on writing a new e-book, and really enjoying my…
Deep Winter at the Homestead
Ah, winter. The snow is pretty and the days are getting perceptibly longer. But I don’t like this time of year. It’s cold and wet out. Lots of folks are getting sick. The driving can be awful. I want to hibernate. As much as I appreciate the variety of the seasons, winter is just not…
Seeking My Own Food Balance
Part of my plan for this season is to increase my physical wellness and fitness, and part of that process is figuring out what healthy eating means for me right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually in very good health. I rarely get sick, and don’t have chronic pain or anything like that. Yet…
Starcat’s Favorites: Celebrations of Birth
This week we’ve been celebrating birthdays! We have a lot of August babies in the family and the community. One of our good friends turned 12, and the Maine Wholeschoolers celebrated with a party at his family’s camp on a lake. Then we had a big birthday bash here at the homestead. My Mom turned…
Cleanse Complete!
Oops. I guess I’ve wandered away from the regular updates about the raw food cleanse! Well, it was a busy but fun week, and it’s been going well. Now we’re on day ten of ten, so I guess it’s pretty much complete. On Monday, I got a bit bored with the food I was eating,…
A Blessful Weekend
Well, I was going to write either “blessed” or “blissful” in the title, and ended up combining the two. I think it works well as a description. I’ve been having lots of fun! Saturday BlackLion and I celebrated our anniversary, and also Cinco de Mayo! We started our day with a yummy green smoothie. We…
Am I Rusty?
Woke up to lots of rain again today. The trees and plants are loving it! I enjoyed giving a Reiki session this morning, followed by doing some chores and then working on my book. The cats were in and out, and Percy came and snuggled on my lap for a while when I was writing.…
Resting Today
It’s day 3 of the raw food cleanse, and you might be sick of hearing about it already, heh heh. This morning I woke up feeling a bit dizzy and not really ready to face the day. But it is Thursday, which means our homeschool co-op day, so I got ready and we headed out.…