Starcat’s Favorites: Milton C. LoveCat
In the midst of all the chaos of this autumn, we welcomed a new feline family member into the fold. Everyone in the extended family is completely charmed by Milton. I know you are, too, right? He was rescued by some dear friends who weren’t able to keep him themselves, but thought of our cat-loving […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Cats. Always cats.
Oh, beloveds, I haven’t written here since June. Why? On July 4th, my beloved familiar Sir Percival T. LoveCat crossed the rainbow bridge. He was 13, and lived a wonderful life, and yet it was way too soon. It’s been so hard, missing his physical presence. Percy helped me build my beloved second career, as […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Home Base
Home base? No, it’s not a baseball metaphor. I am feeling blessed, at this time when we’re all being advised to stay home except for essential supply runs, to absolutely LOVE where I live and the people I live with. The exciting news here is that my daughter ElvenTiger and her new husband are staying! […]