Happy Happy Joy Joy!
OK, so if this works, for the first time ever, this blog will have actual real pictures! No, not just the little one of me up in the corner that BlackLion put there. I mean acutal photographs, taken, transferred and posted by yours truly! OK, so here goes: Here is ElvenTiger, my sweet 9-year-old, who […]
I’m baaaaaack!!!
Hello there, readers. If there are any of you still out there. Heh heh heh. I’ve been choosing to do other things than write on this blog, obviously, over the past year. I’ve definitely been doing a lot of creative work, though. BlackLion and I started the Feline Dreamers website, which is worth checking out […]
Don’t Read This Entry
Yes, this is one of those oh-wow-life-has-been-so-busy-I-haven’t-written-in-forever entires. Boring, I know. So, don’t read it. Move on to what’s next. Unless you really can’t help yourself. The summer and early fall have been (obviously) quite busy and full. There were sad parts and happy parts and amazing things and painful things and fun times. The […]
Mystic Quickpaw
We got a kitten this weekend! After some deliberation, her name is Mystic Quickpaw. We’re reading Christopher Paolini’s “Eldest,” and really like the two werecat characters in that book. Solembum is the male werecat’s name, which didn’t seem to work for a girl kitten. The female werecat who hangs out with the elves in Ellesmera […]