What I’ve Been Up To
I’ve taken some quieter post-holiday time to be introspective. Here are some images of what I’ve been up to during that time. Setting up an Earth altar: Making collages to energize my writing projects: And encourage more self-love: And, of course, spending time working on projects at my desk, with my trusty helper Merlin: Hibernation […]
The essence of grace And independent spirit – Mystick will be missed. Our dear young feline friend and companion, Mystick Quickpaw Followcat Shields, has suddenly left the Earth plane. He was born on April 8, 2006, and was killed by a car in the wee hours of Friday, October 2, 2009. Perhaps he’s now frolicking […]
Newest Family Members
My brother, who is a dog person, is nevertheless great at finding cats for our family. Yesterday he brought us our newest family members, two kittens. Introducing: Merlin and Percy (Sir Percival)! Yesterday was Kitten Welcoming Day. Here they are in my Mom’s lap: Mystick is not completely happy about them, but he’s slowly getting […]
Our wonderful old feline friend and companion, Huzzah Rastasoftafurrianpurrian, has left the Earth plane and gone on to the hunting grounds of the Summerlands. He was 18 years old, born on July 1, 1990. Huzzah died on Sunday, December 7, 2008, at home surrounded by his family. He was a playful, loving, caring cat, adored […]