Cuddly Cats for a Rainy Friday Evening…
What do I do when I can’t think of anything I want to write about? I post some cat pictures! That will keep everyone occupied for a few minutes, going “aww!” Then no one will recall that this post didn’t contain much actual written content. That’s my nefarious plan…mwahahahaha! Enjoy these beauteous felines! Sir Percival […]
Winter Photo Essay
I thought it was time to share some images of what we’ve been up to so far this winter. Here goes! We’ve been partying with our friends. The boys won the New Year’s Eve competition, hands-down, with their hilarious skit. We’ve been playing lots and lots of games: board games, video games, card games, dice […]
Fall Photo Essay
I have so many friends who are terrific photographers that you’d think I’d be intimidated. But actually I’ve been inspired lately, and have been taking lots of photos. BlackLion and I decided to do our own photos for our weekly e-newsletter, Dream Journal, and that’s been fun. I’m a joyful amateur. So, taking a cue […]
Turning 40: A Retrospective
A year ago today, I turned 40. We celebrated with a huge party for the “1969 Club,” eight of us who all had our fortieth birthdays that year. It was an awesome bash, with nearly eighty people in attendance (and several dogs, too). I love birthdays. Today I’m having a quieter celebration, with family and […]