
Much Gratitude

As I write this, Merlin cat is snuggling on my lap and purring. He seems to be feeling much better, and is back to his normal schedule of spending lots of time outdoors, especially during the run of warmer weather we’ve been having. He does enjoy more snuggles and Reiki than he did prior to […]

January Thus Far

Here’s a photo essay on how our January has been thus far. It’s been trucking along pretty well. ElvenTiger officially became a teenager! She and her best friend and I all spent the day together, doing girly stuff. Then we had a family dessert gathering, with gifts, of course. We had a yummy lunch, and […]

Contemplation and Preparation

Mother Nature has delivered us a lovely snowy day, after a few weeks of winter without any of the white stuff. ElvenTiger is happy and excited – her 13th birthday is Saturday, and she wanted to have snow on the ground by then. I’m glad that our out-and-about plans for today were canceled, and I […]

A Merlin Cat Update

Merlin got his wire removed from his jaw today. They had to give him anesthesia for the procedure, and he wasn’t too happy about being at the vet again. When we dropped him off this morning, he was meowing and growling. I felt bad about leaving him there, but knew it had to be done. […]

Joy Amidst the Chaos

Hard to believe I haven’t written since before Solstice. So much has happened, and I’ve certainly needed my mantra of “let in the light.” Our Solstice celebration was wonderful. Leading up to it, we did a lot of preparing and creating. ElvenTiger and I in particular have had lots of fun making things this holiday […]

Keep Letting in the Light

This is the darkest time of year for those of us in the northern hemisphere, with the longest nights and shortest days. The sun is at its lowest point. This month, it’s also the dark of the moon. The solar and lunar energies are at an ebb. Your energy level may mirror this, reflecting what’s […]

A Taste of Freedom

We were finally able to let Merlin have free roam of the house. He still can’t go outside for a few weeks, until the wires come out of his jaw, but he seems content to have more space to roam. He asked to go out once, rather politely, but was fine when we told him […]

The Merlin Report

We got a good report on Merlin cat at the vet this morning! His jaw is staying in place and healing well, so no further surgery is necessary. YAY!!! We just have to check the wire, which is around his bottom teeth, to make sure it continues to stay in place. He’ll get it removed […]

It’s Update Time

First things first – Merlin cat had his jaw repaired this morning. They are finished, and we’re supposed to call back in a little while to find out when we can pick him up. Thanks SO much for all your good wishes for our sweet black kitten! Please keep the healing energies coming as he […]

Journal Writing and Self Expression

I’ve been teaching a journal-writing class at our homeschool co-op. I’ve been a journal keeper for years and years, and have written about it a bit, but never taught a class before. It’s been a lot of fun putting together the classes and exercises. I’m thinking of teaching the class for a potentially larger audience, […]