January Thus Far
Here’s a photo essay on how our January has been thus far. It’s been trucking along pretty well. ElvenTiger officially became a teenager! She and her best friend and I all spent the day together, doing girly stuff. Then we had a family dessert gathering, with gifts, of course. We had a yummy lunch, and […]
Joy Amidst the Chaos
Hard to believe I haven’t written since before Solstice. So much has happened, and I’ve certainly needed my mantra of “let in the light.” Our Solstice celebration was wonderful. Leading up to it, we did a lot of preparing and creating. ElvenTiger and I in particular have had lots of fun making things this holiday […]
Journal Writing and Self Expression
I’ve been teaching a journal-writing class at our homeschool co-op. I’ve been a journal keeper for years and years, and have written about it a bit, but never taught a class before. It’s been a lot of fun putting together the classes and exercises. I’m thinking of teaching the class for a potentially larger audience, […]