Starcat’s Favorites: Books and Bookstores
Happy Independent Bookstore Day! Yes, that’s really a thing. Today’s a wonderful day to visit your favorite local bookstore. I thought I’d kick off the festivities by sharing photos of my “to be read” and “currently reading” piles. The shorter pile is what I’m currently reading (or re-reading, in the case of Women Who Run […]
Starcat’s Favorites: My Community
I’ve had kind of a struggly winter, blah blah blah. Who hasn’t? I hope you haven’t, actually. But the cool thing is that I have such a vibrant and supportive community. I’m so thankful. I’ve surrounded myself with some extremely excellent folks. This wasn’t always the case. I’ve been blessed with an amazing and close […]
Opening Pandora’s Treasure Box
It feels like writing about the Law of Attraction means opening up Pandora’s mythical box. On the one hand, there’s so much treasure in there, and it has helped me to vastly expand and improve my life. On the other hand, there are many misconceptions about the philosophy and its validity. So of course BlackLion […]
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2018
Hey there, bibliophiles! Before January is over (how did this month fly by so fast?!), it’s time to share my ten favorite reads from last year. In preparing this post, I noticed that I apparently didn’t create a “best books” post last January. Huh. I know I read some great books in 2017. Maybe I […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Transformation
We’re already almost finished with the first month of 2019, but I’m finding that I’m still processing 2018. Can you relate? It was a hugely transformational year for me and my family. We became empty-nesters. Quester broke his ankle, badly, and had to have (not one but two) surgeries. BlackLion got a new job outside […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Wake Me Up…
It’s hard for me to believe that summer is coming to an end. This is an especially poignant time, as my beloved daughter ElvenTiger is moving to Colorado in less than two weeks (on the day before my birthday, as it happens). I’m so thrilled for her, to be launching herself into adulthood in such […]