
It’s List Time – in Fours Again

Things I’m releasing:worryfearsugarextra weight Things I’m encouraging:joyquiet timeyogameditation Projects I’m working on:making collage cardsfinding some at-home work to increase my prosperityputting together a Starcat’s Corner book of essayslesson plans for the Maine Wholeschoolers’ English class Things I’m sitting with:griefdesire for abundancehealthy eatingspirituality What I’m reading:Home Education magazineOld Path, White Clouds by Thich Nhat HanhThe Wizard […]

Enthused by a Book

I just started reading an amazing and life-changing book: The Four-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris. I’m only three chapters into it, and already it’s helping me change my view on a lot of things. As goal 2 on my list of goals for this year indicates, I’m changing “what I do for a living” this […]

Creating a Process-Folio

I recently read The Unschooled Mind by Howard Gardner. It was focused primarily on how to change and improve public education in order to foster true understanding (rather than the “teaching to the test” that goes on too much of the time). One of the concepts that I found really intriguing is that of “process-folios.” […]

Book Review

I just finished reading The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco (published in 1980). Years ago, I read his novel Foucault’s Pendulum (published in 1988), and really enjoyed it. So I decided to read The Name of the Rose, which was also made into a movie. I haven’t seen the movie yet, though I […]

Convenient Conspiracies

I’ve been reading a novel my brother got me for Christmas, “The Eight” by Katherine Neville. On the front cover, it promises, “readers thrilled by ‘The DaVinci Code’ will relish the multi-layered secrets of ‘The Eight.’” So at first I figured it was a copycat of the Dan Brown book, which was so popular a […]