Giving Myself a Boost
My back is feeling much better, thanks for asking! The all-natural cure included time, gentle yoga, rest, Reiki, heat and cold, and swimming. ElvenTiger gave me a great massage, too. She’s got the healing touch, for certain. I’m really enjoying July thus far. I overdid it in June – I just had too much running […]
It’s Manuscript Day
Today’s the day I’m finishing up my book manuscript (Starcat’s Corner: Essays on Pagan Living) and submitting it to my publisher. It’s my deadline, not theirs. The publisher said that whenever I get it to them, they’ll start there and get rolling on putting it into production. But I know myself, and if I don’t have some […]
Course of Study
I’m doing an impromptu course of study, mostly of Buddhism but also other systems of examining the mind and emotions. I’ve mentioned here how I enjoy reading epic fantasy and other types of fiction. But I usually also have some kind of non-fiction, usually spiritual, book going as well. The last three that I’ve read […]