Category: blogging
Sweet Success!
This is the final post in our 30-day blog challenge! Sweet success! I’m glad we did this experiment. I thought for the last post in the challenge I’d share what I’ve learned and what my plans are for the blog as I move forward. It was indeed a challenge to sit down every day and…
My Media
I thought it might be fun to list what “media” I use regularly, and why. I’d love to see your list, too. Put it on your blog if you have one, or just leave a comment. By sharing, we might discover new interesting things to inspire us! (Note: I haven’t included books, simply because I…
Inspired to Blog
We had Girls’ Night Out last night. What fun! Four of us went out for Chinese food, then to see the movie “Julie & Julia.” Awesome movie! The best films, in my opinion, are the ones that make you laugh aloud. We were totally cracking up. And the timing for my friend LM and I…
including blogging
“To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.”– Emily Dickinson
Don’t Read This Entry
Yes, this is one of those oh-wow-life-has-been-so-busy-I-haven’t-written-in-forever entires. Boring, I know. So, don’t read it. Move on to what’s next. Unless you really can’t help yourself. The summer and early fall have been (obviously) quite busy and full. There were sad parts and happy parts and amazing things and painful things and fun times. The…
Welcome to the Study
Welcome to Starcat’s Study. Come on in. Here, have a pillow to sit on. Tonight we’re just sitting around listening to the Counting Crows, contemplating winter, eating vegan pizza (whad’ya mean? of course it tastes good!). If you’ve discovered this blog already, you’re either JWL (hi J! Thanks for the help getting this set up!)…