Doing What You Love
Like the bee, we should make our industry our amusement. – Oliver Goldsmith On the surface, it seems pretty simple. As humans, we should occupy ourselves doing the things that we most enjoy, and those things will bring us not only joy, but the elements we need to survive and thrive: food, water, shelter, clothing, […]
Affirming Success
Sometimes when we’re making a big change, even one that we have created and wished for and are looking forward to, doubts arise. Our old patterns push at us, wanting us to stay in the comfortable familiar rut, prodding us about what we’ll do if we’re “not successful” on the new path. We see reflections […]
What’s New, Pussycat?
We’re all feeling healed up and no longer coughing and sniffling. Yay! And even though it’s a dreary day outside, it smelled like spring this morning when I left for work.Here’s a picture of Star on Saturday, which was a big snow day around here. In other news, Crow’s basketball team, coached by Quester, won […]
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
OK, so if this works, for the first time ever, this blog will have actual real pictures! No, not just the little one of me up in the corner that BlackLion put there. I mean acutal photographs, taken, transferred and posted by yours truly! OK, so here goes: Here is ElvenTiger, my sweet 9-year-old, who […]
Food for Thought (and Nourishment)
As a mostly-vegan person who is trying to add more raw and living foods to her diet, as well as bring into balance my consumption of sugars, I’ve been thinking about the various meals my family and I eat on a regular basis. We mostly eat homemade food, with some exceptions based on time constraints. […]
Unschooling Wisdom
My metaphysical studies began, back in the early 1990s, with the Seth material and the books of Jane Roberts. Seth is a non-physical entity from another plane of reality, and his teachings were channeled through a writer named Jane Roberts, who also shared her own thoughts and ideas through her works of fiction and non-fiction. […]