Learning to Read
My daughter Bridget, age 10, is currently learning to read. To those of you more familiar with the schools’ timelines for this, that may seem rather late. But as unschoolers, who practice child-led learning and let each child’s journey of education unfold naturally, she’s right on time. Her time. And that’s because she’s the one […]
Shared Joy
I’m feeling really psyched that my brother is so happy lately! He met a wonderful woman last fall. They are now boyfriend and girlfriend, and planning to live together. She’s great! I met her in December, and she’s been at family gatherings several times. Last weekend she hosted our monthly family potluck, and we got […]
Sometimes things happen in fours. Even if they’re lists of things that I’ve encountered while reading. Such as: “Each read-aloud, then, is a language arts lesson, bolstering the four language arts: the art of reading, the art of listening, the art of writing, and the art of speaking.”– Jim Trelease, “The Read-Aloud Handbook” “The beginner […]
A Broader Perspective
“Political awareness can become a tyranny of its own, not least because it locks us into the issues and perspectives of a particular time. But when we are looking at questions of the sacred, we move beyond time. To create the changes in consciousness needed to transform society at a deep level, we need insights […]