Here, There & Everywhere

I know I haven’t shown up here regularly in a while. Don’t be jealous, dear blog, but it’s at least in part because I’ve started a Substack. Actually, it’s me and my Muses, no matter the platform, so you’re not missing out.

I’m loving the way it feels over on Substack. It’s like when I started this blog, on Blogspot, way back in the early 2000s. It feels fun and light and meaningful. There are a bunch of writers, bookwyrms, and other story lovers writing about almost any topic you can imagine.

Substack has the added benefit of supporting writers with paid subscription options. Though don’t worry if that’s not in your budget, as I’ll always post plenty of free content as well. I admit that I don’t yet know how I’m going to handle posting to both venues, here and on Substack. It feels like a lot to be maintaining a steady pace of content on both, along with the other stuff I’m doing. Stay tuned…

In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to join me there and subscribe, whether for a free subscription or as a paid supporter. As I’ve done here, I’ll be writing about books, creativity, writing, magick, and my adventures

There have been quite a few of those lately. Adventures, I mean. I’m finding that as I continue to focus on expanding my creativity and spirituality, I’m called to explore the world around me. I’m particularly drawn to beauty in all its forms. Nature, of course, but also art, music, and playfulness. I’m gradually making my home more and more reflective of this desire for beautiful surroundings (thanks, Moon in Libra). 

I’ve also started working out with a personal trainer – yes, really! My sedentary scholarly life is now jazzed up with more physical activity, which feels really good. Now that I’m in full menopause I have more capacity to tend to my health, and as a result I have more energy for hiking, dancing, and swimming. The peri-menopause was really the worst of it, for me. I had no energy, I gained a bunch of weight, and my emotions were all over the place. Sorry if the menstrual talk is TMI, but I mentioned what I just told you in a virtual room of mixed-age women recently, and it seemed to give hope to some of those younger than me who are struggling. 

Anyway, I’m feeling better and better, on many levels, and part of that upgrade has involved new platforms where I can share my creations. Writing-wise, besides the Substack and some personal channeling and journaling, I haven’t been working on anything in particular. I’m about ready to dive back into my fiction, which is a thing for me this time of year.

I know there has been some controversy with the leaders of NaNoWriMo, and some writers aren’t using their platform anymore. But I’m planning to continue, because for me it’s not about the organization itself. It’s about the camaraderie of hundreds and thousands of us using November as a sacred cauldron in which to write lots of words

I’m going to focus on drafting my fourth fantasy novel, and also on writing some missing scenes for books two and three. Book one is feeling like it’s pretty solid right now. I did another edit of it earlier this year. Aside from adding some foreshadowing for future books, I think it’s in pretty decent shape. Oh, and I have a novella I’m slowly working on, too, that will go between books one and two, to tell the story of the lost concertina

I’m not sure exactly what my next steps are in terms of launching the series, but I know I still want to hire someone to help me with the publicity when I do launch. Because of the ongoing shadow work I’ve been doing, I’m actually feeling much better about being visible with my books. I’m talking with some local shop owners about carrying my existing (nonfiction) book catalogue, and I imagine that will lead to them stocking my fiction when it’s available. I’m also leading a performer’s showcase, monthly, at a local arts venue, and I’ve started sharing some of my fiction there. The foundations are being laid for the eventual series launch.

In other news, I’ve added a new in-person weekend writing retreat, coming in April 2025, here in Maine. I’ve also upgraded my summer one to a new venue, which will be much more accessible and luxurious. The July retreat is two-thirds full, already! I’ve also hired an amazing woman to upgrade the back-end of my business, integrating everything into one easier-to-use system. I joined a coaching program in April, and it’s been helping me to upgrade all of these things, leading to a more sustainable and successful business. I still adore what I do, particularly running my group writing program and leading the transformational retreats. I have the best clients! They’re doing amazing work in the world, and writing about it, and expanding their own lives as Thriving Artists. Life is good.

Yesterday was the second anniversary of my Dad’s passing. It doesn’t seem like it’s been two years already. I still miss him a lot. I wrote a poem for him this past week, and it feels really healing. We didn’t always see eye to eye, but I know that he loved me (still does, from beyond the veil), and I love him. We took Mom to the Fryeburg Fair, and had a fun time seeing the animals and having a yummy lunch. I’m thankful for my whole family, and my wonderful friends. I love our adventures together, and how we support and encourage one another.

As we enter the final stretch of 2024, I feel so grateful for everything – even the difficult stuff, because it helps me continue to grow and learn. I’m sending you lots of love, and I hope you’ll come join me on Substack. My most recent post as of this writing was about what to do when you’re struggling, so if you need a boost, check it out. I’m sure I’ll see you around, Dear Reader!

Oh, I almost forgot to update you on my latest reads. I’m loving the sci-fi series by Cixin Liu. I’ve read The 3-Body Problem and The Dark Forest so far. It’s intelligent and thought-provoking stuff. I’m finally reading Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree, and it’s as adorable and cozy as advertised. A great book for autumn. I’m also reading, for a spiritual book club, Heal the Witch Wound by Celeste Larsen, and I’m surprised by how well it fits with the ancestral healing I’ve been focused on lately. I finished Eating in the Light of the Moon by Dr. Anita Johnston, and loved it.

I have, as always, an awesome stack of books by my bedside to get to next, and I’m excited about cozy days with a cup of tea and kitten snuggles. My darling Merry Lovecat will be a year old at the end of October! She’s such a sweet and lively addition to the family, and she loves to cuddle up while I read. 

How about you? How’s life? What have you been reading lately?

Tell me what you think!

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