I’m practicing the art of consciously choosing my mindset, these days. I’m aiming for vibrant health, wealth, and joy. BlackLion chose the word MINDSET as his Word of the Year, and I’ve been seeing and hearing it everywhere. It certainly supports my own intentions for 2024.
I’m also enjoying expanding my horizons with new mini-adventures. The wintry weather has cancelled or shifted some of my plans. But so far this month I’ve gotten to co-host a Mermaids & Pirates birthday party (for 10 adults) at a local hotel with an indoor pool, attend a Silent Book Club at my favorite coffee shop, and hold a fancy High Tea with my Mom for some friends. Such fun!
Of course, I’m also getting plenty of time in the creative cave. I’ve been editing my own fiction, along with a couple of manuscripts for clients. I’ve been reading novels set in tropical places and daydreaming about warm sea water.
Here are some of the interesting tidbits from around the web that I’ve discovered this winter:
There’s value in solitude. We knew this. (Do people really “fear” solitude? Not me, says the introvert. But I can get distracted by devices, like most of us).
I love this article about rediscovering your personal power – and yes, it even mentions mindset – !
This blog post by a retreat attendee is absolutely stunning (I also have one of her books, and it’s fantastic). So inspiring. I hope that someday I’ll receive this kind of praise for my own retreats!
Back in September I shared a link to a post on boundaries, from the bullet journal blog. Well, it became a 4-part series on this valuable topic. This is the second article on boundaries, here’s the third one, and the final installment is over here. The whole series is excellent and well worth a read.
Oooh, I love this astrological timeline of your life from one of my favorite astrologers.
Speaking of astrology, here’s a list of books, one for each sign of the zodiac. Cool!
I can’t remember if I’ve shared this song before, but it’s powerful and always gives me the chills.
Setting some goals for 2024 and beyond? Remember to get into alignment and expect the best.
I love book lists. Here’s Leonie Dawson’s list of the best books she read in 2023.
I hope you’re enjoying the winter, with joy, good health, and prosperity. Blessings!