Starcat’s Favorites: Portals and Compassion

It’s that time of year when the veils between the worlds are thin. Personally, I feel like I’ve been going through a series of portals, starting with the eclipse at the New Moon. I’ve been noticing more ease and less struggle in my own body, mind, and spirit. My creativity has been flowing even more strongly than before, and my emotions feel lighter. I’m thankful.

Yet I’m aware that there are also wars going on in the world. And then comes another tragedy, a mass shooting, this one closer to home, here in Maine. It reminds me that everything happens at once: the joys and sorrows, creativity and rage, health and illness, birth and death, hope and despair.

There is always something horrible going on in the world, simultaneously with the beauty that is unfolding.

What helps me most is to tune deeply into compassion. It’s especially useful when feeling helpless. In this instance, I feel deep sympathy for the victims and their families, gratitude for all the amazing people lending their aid, and yes, also sorrow for the perpetrator, whose mental instability and who-knows-what life experiences led him to such awful choices. Embracing compassion and sending light, prayers, and healing can help us to become settled in our own energy systems at times of tragedy.

While political activism, donating to charities, and other outer-world actions can certainly help, it’s also key to honor your inner wellness. Feeling our feelings about things is essential. Then it’s time to release them and turn back towards the ways we are contributing each day to the goodness in the world.

Take good care of yourself. Use your somatic, magickal, and spiritual tools to tune in to your connection to the Divine. You’re a beloved child of the Multiverse.

Here are some interesting things from the web that I’ve discovered this month:

What does water have to do with manifesting? Check out this video.

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? Here’s a useful article about setting up a bullet journal to support you this November.

Have you ever heard of a “commonplace book?” I ran across a couple articles about them recently: one is connected with bullet journaling, another is specifically for visual artists. Intriguing…

Speaking of visual images, I get inspired by looking at interior design blogs and layouts. Not necessarily inspired to redecorate my own home, but just in general. I adore this room in particular! I can imagine one of my book’s characters, Winnie, loving this space…

Did you know that inspiration is perishable?

I’ll leave you with a comic about grief that I find rings quite true. Take good care of yourself out there.

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