Here we are at the tail end of January, and it’s my first post here in the new year. Yeah. I’ve been following my intuition, and the message has been to take it easy. Rest. Hibernate a bit.
With books, of course. This stack contains my current reads. Does it seem a bit over the top, even for me?
I’m okay with that.
Of course, even with my nose continually in a book (just like my childhood!), I’ve also found a few interesting things online.
Here are my favorites from the past month or so:
Speaking of books, here are some awesome reads to add to your list.
What happens when a dream almost comes true? Is it “close enough?”
A gorgeous poem about, well, everything.
My favorite astrologer, Rob Brezsny, gives his forecasts for 2021.
And here’s an invitation to check out what I’m up to in the next couple of months: a virtual writing retreat and a vision board playshop, plus the weekly Parallel PlayDates. Come play with us!
I’ll be back soon, with my favorite reads from the past year, among other musings.
Meanwhile, I’ll be in my super-comfy reading chair with a cup of chai tea.