My holidays usually involve hosting a Winter Solstice celebration, followed by gatherings of my extended family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This year, because of the pandemic, things are different.
So even though I’ll miss hanging out with family and friends, I’ve decided to make the best of it. Among the silver linings: my daughter and her husband are living with us. We haven’t spent Christmas with them for the past three years, while they were living out west, so this is a treat!
Another silver lining is that, hey, I’m an introvert – so having more quiet time on my holiday vacation isn’t a problem. Books, PJs, hot chocolate, and some favorite Christmas movies are all on my list of things to enjoy over the next couple of weeks.
Here are some ideas to help make your own 2020 holidays a delight, even though some traditions might have to be set aside for now.
I’m more of a bookworm than a binge-watcher, but I love this clever list connecting TV shows with books to read.
Speaking of books (which I often am!), here’s a list that will keep you reading for a while, from my friends at Maine Calling.
Last but not least on the book front, a new-to-me tradition that sounds amazing!
It’s a bit late for this year, but I’m inspired by this post about prepping for a stress-free holiday season.
Is the winter season a struggle for you? Here’s how to bring some light into the darkest time of year.
Compassion for yourself is connected with kindness to others.
Looking to bring more money into your life? Along with the physical-world actions, try including some manifesting magick from Jeannette Maw.
Have you ordered your Energy Almanac yet? This was my number one favorite magickal resource in 2020. Can’t wait to check out the new one!
What are you dreaming up for 2021? Join BlackLion and I for the Vision Board PlayShop, Tuesday, December 29th at 4pm Eastern, via Zoom!