A lot of people I know have been down for the count this winter, with various viruses. We’ve had relatively mild weather here in Maine, yet there is a lot of sickness going around.
Personally, I’ve been blessed with good health this season.
What have I been doing to stay well? Wash my hands a lot, especially in public places. Eat healthy food. Get plenty of sleep. Minimize stress – actually, I’ve pretty much given it up at this point (meditation is key, for me). Do yoga regularly. Some years I take vitamins C and D, though I haven’t this winter. I also don’t have much occasion to hang out with little kids, so that might also help protect me from germs.
I’ve been vegetarian for more than 25 years at this point, and low dairy (though not completely vegan) more recently. I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s right for my body. I try to be low sugar, too, though that’s harder. I’ve had a couple of medical tests over the past year, and have been told that both my arteries and digestive system are very healthy for my age.
I’m so thankful for my good health. Having people in my family who deal with chronic illness, and having had lots of viruses and sinus problems myself as a young person, I’m grateful that I’m hardly ever ill anymore. Even in the winter.
That said, you know I’m still counting the days until my beloved summertime…
Here are some links to keep us entertained and informed until the weather shifts.
Speaking of vegetarian yumminess, I’m loving this website called The Beet, which focuses on plant-based meals. Here’s a healthy dessert recipe from them that I really want to make. Also, here’s a great article on healthier eating that focuses more on common sense than on a particular diet.
On meeting the world with awe, like a young child: “she approaches the world with only one giant, indiscriminate expectation: delight me.” Beautiful.
Feeling worried about the state of the world? Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes says we are made for these times.
A neuroscientist on the Law of Attraction – I love the intersection of science and magick. BlackLion and I already pre-ordered her book.
Talkin’ bout my generation… The often-forgotten Gen X. Also, how women over 50 are rockin’ it! I’m in.
My Wild Women Full Moon circle has been focusing on magickal crafts this winter. We recently made some “evil eye” protection art – here’s an article on the meanings of these charms.
Being present is more important than trying for perfection.
Enjoy, and stay healthy!