Channeling Through Your Inner Source
My experiences with channeling began with reading and studying channeled material. Then, in polarity therapy sessions, I watched channeling in action, receiving wisdom from my own non-physical guides through a talented practitioner. Now, I’ve opened up to becoming a channel myself, allowing wisdom to flow through my fingers as I type the words of the […]
Doorways to the House of Wholeness
When I was a young child, I was wildly creative. I was also sensitive, smart, and a people-pleaser, which led me in the direction of academic achievement. Striving for straight As in school became a way of seeking approval. Over the course of my school career, my creativity became secondary, and even atrophied. It’s hard […]
Step Back and See the Big Picture
I was having a conversation with a friend who was expressing concern about some of the things he’d done, earlier in life. Things he regretted deeply. These actions were causing him to suffer, mentally and emotionally – in the present moment, many years later. Another friend expressed her intense rage and sorrow about the state […]