NaNoWriMo, November 2019, DAY 8 – 1896 words
Dear Diary,
I feel crappy. Hack, hack, sniffle, sniffle. Standard head cold. Yuck.
Still, thanks to hot soup and Tylenol, I wrote a goodly amount of words this evening.
Also, in Googling for standard word counts in my genre, I found an article one shouldn’t read while still writing drafts (this one’s about urban fantasy, my genre for the Patterns books I’m working on). Luckily, my novels pretty much meet the criteria so far.
DAY 9 – 1721 words
Dear Diary,
I felt really sick today. Low energy, lots of coughing, not much of an appetite. I didn’t do much other than read magazines, rest, and watch Victoria with BlackLion, for most of the day. I thought I might skip writing altogether.
But then I wrote, in the evening, right here in bed. Mostly, I confess, because I didn’t want to have to make up the missed day tomorrow, or scramble to account for it later in the month.
I got in on the online sprints again. It really does help to have other writers (virtually) here with me, sharing their word counts and doubts and general silliness. I’m getting so close to the end of book 2.
Now to watch one more episode of Victoria and then crash for the night.
DAY 10 – 2243 words
Dear Diary,
I’m feeling a bit better today. After breakfast, BlackLion said we should sit down together with Scrivener. We bought the software over the summer, but hadn’t used it yet. I was impressed with how he set up his novel in there at the beginning of the month. So he showed me how to set up book 3 in Scrivener, and where to put my notes on the characters and such.
I don’t know if it’s my Virgo side, or what, but I got so inspired by organizing and getting ready for book 3, that I just sat here and finished book 2!
I wrote 2243 words, and at a whopping 120K total, Patterns of Regret is finally drafted. It’ll need a lot of work in revisions, but it’s complete. I feel so happy and relieved.
Now to start book 3 – working title: Patterns on the Sea – which feels terribly exciting. Sometime this month, though I didn’t capture it in this log, I remember saying to myself “I hate writing. Why am I even doing this?” Today, though, I’m fully in love with writing once again.
You know, just the normal ups and downs of the creative process… At least I can laugh at myself.