As you probably know if you’re a regular reader of this blog, late winter is NOT my favorite. I keep getting emails and seeing memes on social media with messages like “it’s almost spring!” I delete them immediately, as in Maine…it’s not even close.
Our monthly family potluck was supposed to be this Sunday, with a tropical theme to get us through the tail end of winter. Um, yeah. We had to postpone it because we’ll be having sleet, slush, freezing rain, and other forms of precipitation that no one wants to drive in. Old Man Winter is laughing at us, I’m sure. (I’m trying not to even think about a year ago today, when Quester called me from an icy trail, lying on the ground with his ankle broken).
But this post is supposed to be about things that ARE my favorites. So, among the things that help me through the its-still-winter-but-its-already-spring-elsewhere months: kitty snuggles, fuzzy PJ pants, soft blankets, lots of good books, chai tea with almond milk and honey, and (as always) cool stuff I find on the web and want to share with you.
Here goes:
Have a challenging time being still for meditation? Try mala beads.
I don’t have teen kids anymore (I KNOW – my baby turned 20 last month!), but I loved this interview.
Speaking of kids growing up – are you feeling kinda peri-menopausal, ladies? Take this hilarious quiz.
The original “work smarter, not harder” guru: Thoreau.
I feel so lucky and blessed to know my soul’s callings. If you’re not quite sure about yours, this article can help. (Maybe it’s writing! Is it writing? Read this).
Looking for some good news for a change? I got this awesome link from astrologer Rob Brezsny.
Have an awesome weekend – and if you live near me, stay dry and cozy!