Magick and the Law of Attraction: How Does It Actually Work?
There are so many misunderstandings about magick and the Law of Attraction and how they actually work in everyday life. I wrote about this in my most recent book, The Heart of the Goddess: A Handbook for Living Soulfully. Here’s an excerpt: Let’s start with a couple of definitions. What do I mean by “magick,” […]
Creativity As Portal
Now and then when I talk to people about daily spiritual practice, they immediately get resistant. And defensive. Sometimes even blustery! (What’s up with that?) For some, meditation can seem boring, prayer outmoded, and the idea of a daily practice feels restrictive. Yet for many of the same people, talk to them about their favorite mode […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Seeking Ideas
Wow, how can it be February already? This has been a very wintry week here in frosty Maine. After a lull, we’ve been having snowstorms left and right. But hey, even though the days are growing longer, it’s still winter for a few more weeks. Especially here. It’s so chilly, cats have been seen snuggling […]
Magick and the Art of Non-Attachment
Magick is all about creating change. The impulse to do magick comes from some desire that you have for things in your life to be different in some way. Therefore, when you do magick you’re coming from a place of having a strong desire, which is connected to your will to craft that desired change. […]
Starcat’s Ten Best Books of 2016
Hey fellow book lovers! It’s time to share my ten favorite reads from last year. As always, please note that these aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2016. They’re just my top favorites of the 54 books I read during the year. Without further ado, here’s the list! City of Refuge by Starhawk. Oh, […]