One of the things I love most about life is that, no matter what crises happen, big or small, life goes on. There are always a zillion opportunities to connect, to share kindness and compassion, to show our love. There are present moments, stretching out in a chain from now to forever, ready for us but to awaken.
I think those of us who are particularly intelligent, in an academic brainy sort of sense, can get ourselves into trouble. We take things too seriously, too literally, too personally, sometimes. We forget about our intuition and our heart’s deep knowing. We block out our other perceptions, the ones that are connected to Source, rooted in Spirit. I would urge you, as a reader of this blog (and thus at least somewhat interested in things spiritual) to remember the bigger picture, and connect to that Divine Source.
Here are some fun and interesting links for your weekend. Relax and enjoy!
Have lots of varying interests? It’s fine to pursue all of them – you really don’t have to pick just one.
You don’t have to go out looking for your passion. It’s right there in front of you! Need a little nudge to help you notice it? Here’s a fun and useful tool.
Using permaculture to observe your inner landscape and regain your awareness of interconnectedness. Wow!
Maybe, even now, things are safer than you think. And we are all interconnected.
Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can