All at once, it’s summer in Maine. The weather is (for the most part) gorgeous. Schedules have changed, wedding and anniversary season is upon us, and the coaching course I’m in is wrapping up. As I write this, I’m also in the midst of getting ready to facilitate a wedding for some friends this afternoon, a workshop I organized is happening tomorrow, and I’m getting ready for a trip on Wednesday. Busy summer season has begun! And seemingly all at once…
Here are some links for you to enjoy, in the hammock or by the water, or when you finally collapse into bed after a delightful weekend day full of fun. Enjoy!
It’s the New Moon in Gemini today, and if it feels pretty intense, you’re not alone. Wow.
On loving yourself fully – so important!
What’s up with creative people hating their own work? This article asks “What happens when persistence gets curdled by perfectionism?”
A little note for the introverts among us. “You don’t need to be anything but what you are.”
I love this look at the future of work. Let’s also rethink money while we’re at it!
Feeling “meh?” Maybe you just need to take a break.
I may have shared this article before – it’s one of my recent Kind Over Matter posts – but I’m so immersed in this work right now, I just had to send it around again.
Our unschooling friends Lainie and Miro did an awesome TED Talk in Amsterdam!
Enjoy your weekend, and blessings!