Starcat’s Favorites: In the Moment

WP_20150718_033Summer gets busy around here. It’s especially so when you live in a northern clime and want to savor every moment of the warmth, sunshine, and blooming. During the summer months, we always try to fit in extra time outdoors for swimming, hiking, and exploring – alongside the usual work, family time, household chores, and spiritual practice.

Part of my practice this summer is enjoying each and every moment, even during these very full days and weeks. I stay as organized as I can so the busy days flow smoothly, and then I’m free to let go and focus on enjoying what I’m doing in this very now.

It works for me.

I hope you’re enjoying a leisurely weekend of whatever summer fun means for you. Looking for some fascinating reading while you’re taking time out? Here you go!

You know by now that I enjoy reading about introversion. Here’s an article about the types of introverts – and there’s a quiz! Bonus!

Do you have an adventure bag? I do!

Some tips on being more productive – ones that help you be kinder to yourself at the same time.

The difference between performing and experiencing.

The power (and joys) of self-discipline.

I love this rebuttal to the folks recently trash-talking positive thinking (yes, there are four-letter words involved).

The meaning of life according to Joss Whedon.

Some crazy interesting stuff from out there on the fringes of exploring consciousness.

Photos of giant dogs. Just because they made me and my family crack up laughing.

Have a beautiful week!


One response to “Starcat’s Favorites: In the Moment”

  1. Thanks for the link love, Nikki!

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