Happy Mothers Day!
Happy happy mama day to all the women reading this! Even if you’re not the mom of another human, you no doubt mother (i.e. nurture, love, and care for) someone or something in your life: friends, family, four-legged friends, a home, ideas and projects, your work, your garden, yourself… Blessings to you on this day […]
Say Yes to Self-Approval!
I’ve been on this self-love journey for a few years now, and I’m finding that there is always more to learn. What I’ve been unfolding lately is the complex subject of approval-seeking. One of my self-love affirmations is “I love and approve of myself.” The “approve” part is coming into focus. During a recent discussion […]
Fun With Busking
This afternoon BlackLion, ElvenTiger and I did some busking in Portland (Maine). If you’re not sure what busking means, essentially it’s a street performance done for donations. In this case, we were there to help out some friends who are doing some fundraising. Three teams from our homeschool co-op recently won top slots in the […]
We’re the Sane Ones?
“Chaston wrote that men and fairies both contain within them a faculty of reason and a faculty of magic. In men reason is strong and magic is weak. With fairies it is the other way round: magic comes very naturally to them, but by human standards they are barely sane.” – Susanna Clarke, in Jonathan […]
Starcat’s Favorites: In the Garden
Happy weekend! We’re having some April showers here today, but they’re helping the gardens, so I’m not complaining. BlackLion has been in big-time green thumb mode, creating new beds in our garden as well as tending to his seedlings. Things are starting to bloom around here after some milder weather. Here’s a picture he took […]
Triggers Are Mirrors
I am blessed to have a really awesome extended family. They are supportive, loving, kind, and funny (sometimes hilarious). Despite all the “weird” things about me – vegetarianism, unschooling, polyamory, and other unconventional choices – they not only accept me but seem to genuinely enjoy spending time with me. This morning my Mom spontaneously invited […]
An Earth Day Tradition
A couple years ago I started a new personal tradition for Earth Day. As a Pagan who walks an earth-based spiritual path, I’m aware of the pollution that modern living is causing. I’m also sure that, collectively, we can reduce it. Each person taking individual action is important. So I decided to implement something new […]