Greetings. Blessed Samhain and Happy Halloween to you! Joyful salutations of the Celtic New Year!
I’m celebrating in a quiet and mellow space this year. Our Dark Follies gig that was originally scheduled for tonight was cancelled about a month ago, and I told ElvenTiger I’d give rides to she and her friends on Halloween, wherever they wanted to go. They ended up choosing to have a bonfire at our place, so I get to stay home and feed the teens. I love it.
It’s delightful being at home, in my own space, on this sacred Pagan holiday.
My altar is up and running.
I got my laptop back today, so I’m getting everything ready for NaNoWriMo, which begins tomorrow (I’m very excited!).
The fire is burning, the moon is shining, and some sweet friends dropped by to say hello. We made salsa today, from the last of the local tomatoes. I’m in my comfy clothes, rather than a costume. Candles are lit and candies have been shared.
I’m thinking of my dear Jenn, and others who have crossed over. Not in a highly sorrowful way, though, but more contemplative. Lots of memories. Lots of ideas and thoughts and images. So much love.
So much dreaming to do in this dark time of year. I am content, here in the cat cave.
Many blessings to you and yours!