Ever have one of those weeks when you feel like you didn’t accomplish anything? Here I am on a Friday night, looking at my ever-growing to-do list and wondering what I actually did these past five days.
I gave it some thought, and came up with, well, a lot.
The things that still sit staring at me on my list are mostly writing projects, and tasks for my business, Feline Dreamers. I’m a writer by trade, or avocation at least, so you’d think I could get some writing done, eh?
But I’m well aware that writers and other creative types (by which I mean, all of us) need time to receive, to draw in, to get re-inspired.
So rather than feel bad, I’m looking at my week through a different lens. I thought I’d share.
My mornings have been mostly slow and filled with self-care. I’m in a phase of especially vivid dreams, and I’ve captured several of them in my dream journal. I embarked on a more challenging yoga routine. I mean, on day 2 of this particular routine, I was crying in frustration over the things I can’t do (I got over it pretty quickly). But overall it’s kicking my butt in a really good way. I’ve been taking time to meditate after my practice, and go deeply into my inner world, experimenting with energy exercises. It’s good for me.
Then there are what I’d call the necessities of daily life: driving places, doing errands and housework and paperwork, the ever-present laundry. You know the drill.
I’ve spent some delightful time with cats and other friends and family members. We hung out and read, played Skip-Bo, enjoyed yummy meals, and watched Big Bang Theory and the finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., among other things.
I got out to spend time in nature, in a week that was supposed to be rainy and grey and yet was instead sunny and mild.
We had fun at our homeschool co-op. This was the final week of classes before the summer break.
This was the week of the full moon, and I spent two delightful evenings in sacred community. Definitely soul-nurturing.
As part of being in sacred space, I was inspired with some surprising new aspects to another long-term writing project. Well, that’s just what I need. I’ll add it to my list.
Life is a circle. And a joy. And busy. I am thankful.