3 Responses

  1. Kimberlie Hawkins
    Kimberlie Hawkins April 24, 2014 at 8:22 pm | | Reply

    I love this!! it hits close to my heart… as I am in similar situations with my photography….many fingers pointing me in directions that I ‘should’ go in but its really not resonating with my soul which is telling me to let this baby grow naturally and follow in its steps to see where it goes rather than trying to force things in a certain direction. I thank you… your words give me courage. THANK YOU

  2. Val
    Val April 25, 2014 at 9:48 am | | Reply

    Very close to my heart as well. I left a “paying job” (teaching) to come home and be with my kids. I take in some dollars watching other people’s kids part-time during the week, and that helps me feel like I’m “contributing”, but like you we do struggle financially. We set the vision for ourselves that we wanted to have more “carefree” lives, where 1 income could be enough for all of our financial needs. For my part, I want to focus more on healing myself inside and out. My husband wants to stay a part of the working world, but would like to find a scenario where he works about 30 hours a week and yet makes the kind of money we would feel comfortable with. He wants to feel productive and challenged, with opportunities to try new things.

    We are pooling our intentions together and with any luck, in our new land we’ll find what we’re looking for 🙂

  3. Starcat
    Starcat April 26, 2014 at 10:46 am | | Reply

    Thanks for the great comments! It seems like any “unconventional” choices lead to criticism and advice. Though to be fair, I think most people mean well and are trying to help. It does take courage to go in the face of commonly-held wisdom, but it can bring great rewards. You’re both brave women. Keep up the great work of being true to your own vision!

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