Happy March! Not to rush Mother Nature or anything, but I’m more than ready for the Spring Equinox, which happens this month. Or more accurately, for the warmer weather that it will presumably usher in. It’s been a cold week, and we still have a couple feet of snow on the ground. Don’t get me wrong, I know we’ve had snow as late as April, here in northern New England. But spring snow doesn’t last. So I’m ready.
Here are some links to keep you amused this weekend. Oh, and a gratuitous picture of a recent lunch here at the homestead. Blessings!
I’m going to share my own link first, because I can. Well, and because it was a labor of love, and I’m pleased with how it came out. Warning: it might just make you cry. Loss, love, and music on Kind Over Matter.
Here’s a thought-provoking piece on mindfulness that BlackLion came across.
A resounding “YES!” to this speech by Neil Gaiman on the value of reading and the imagination.
Evidently a new species of cat has been discovered. Then there are these shimmying cats. Go, cats, go!
Here’s a good one on the value of meaningful, child-led learning. What is homeschooling actually like? This list may or may not be it, but it’ll give you a laugh, anyway.