3 Responses

  1. Kimberlie Hawkins
    Kimberlie Hawkins August 2, 2013 at 12:05 pm | | Reply

    AWESOMENESS! We have had a LOT of loved ones leave this experience in the last 9 months (5 beginning with my father last november and including my mothers best friend day before yesterday). My experiences with the other side have been very profound in increasing intensity, a snowball effect, if you will. I experienced first hand my grandmother’s final moments back in 1997 when she passed. and since Daddy left on November 7 the connection has been so very strong. With the unexpected passing of my mom’s friend Rose on July 31… it has brought other worldly issues right back into sharp focus (as if it had ever faded…lol) but even my mom has commented through her grief that each passing brings us closer to our own awareness.
    I also ponder the condensed nature of our recent losses. it seems so many are choosing to leave at this time. I sense major shifts on the horizon. <3

  2. Kimberlie Hawkins
    Kimberlie Hawkins August 2, 2013 at 9:02 pm | | Reply

    you know, I’ve also been pondering this, as one who enjoys ‘interpreting’ dreams and has for many years. The idea of the college campus and office seem to me, to portray the societal acceptance of ‘norm’… thinking ‘inside the box’ being told what to think as opposed to knowing HOW to think. This is something I work with my son on a daily basis and sometimes even with myself in the unschooling process (reassessing what I REALLY feel is right and wrong in comparison to what I was trained to believe is right or wrong)… This is a beautiful dream from this perspective as in you have been marked as ‘dead’ to the ‘establishment’ which is an AWESOME compliment in the current way our society has created its reality.
    so again I say

  3. Starcat
    Starcat August 3, 2013 at 1:44 pm | | Reply

    Thanks so much, Kimberlie, for your comments and insights. I love this: “each passing brings us closer to our own awareness.” Oooh, goosebumps…

    I love your interpretation. That makes so much sense with the work on myself I’ve been doing, and in that light, I love how my response in the dream was amusement and a matter-of-fact acceptance. I simply walked out and went on with my “life.” Nice!!!

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