For the past two years, BlackLion, ElvenTiger, and I have attended the Life Rocks! Radical Unschooling Conference in North Conway, NH. You may have seen my previous posts about it. It’s been a life-changing and transforming event for all three of us. We’ve found a like-minded freedom tribe, made many new friends, expanded the reach of our Feline Dreamers work, and learned a lot. BlackLion and I have presented sessions and joyshops, and ElvenTiger, age 14, has become a vital part of a growing teen tribe of kids from across the world. All of us have returned with enhanced skills and energies that we’ve enjoyed sharing with our local community and as creations we put out into the world.
Now we’ve been invited to come and present at the Rethinking Everything Conference in August of this year, in Dallas, Texas! We’re looking forward to the growth and further uplifting this new adventure will bring! We’re sure that this next step will lead to even more opportunities that we’ll then share with you, our community.
As an unschooling, self-employed family of creative types, we live simply and are slowly expanding our entrepreneurship. Our costs for the Texas trip (airfare & hotel) will be about $2000. We’d like to ask for your help in funding our new adventure. We’re grateful for any monetary donations you can give, and if that’s not possible, we understand. We welcome your good wishes, positive vibes, prayers, and other forms of support. Click here if you’d like to donate. We’re offering lots of cool thank you gifts for the various levels of support. Thanks so much!