I don’t know if it’s because of spring, the Life Rocks! conference, my inner spiritual practices, my Word of the Year, or some combination, but I’m feeling very expansive right now. I’m growing more each day, and my life is becoming more joyful. My creativity is soaring. My relationships are fun. Even the sad and challenging parts of life are there for me to learn from.
I’m so very thankful to be in this phase of vibrant renewal. After a long winter, the spring air is all the sweeter.
I love to share, so here are some of the resources that have brought piqued my interest and brought me joy lately.
The yoga of mental flexibility and releasing judgment – yes!
Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say to someone who’s in a crisis situation. Here are some guidelines.
We met a lot of fellow entrepreneurs at the conference. Here’s an article about how the economy is shifting to be more focused on connections.
Say yes to your passions!
Permaculture was another big topic at Life Rocks! It’s one that BlackLion is exploring joyfully. I love this public implementation of the edible forest.
Love is at the basis of my spirituality. Sometimes it intersects with political issues, like marriage equality. I love T. Thorn Coyle’s eloquence on this issue.
Moving your body regularly, joyfully and naturally leads to better health. Who knew?
I hope to avoid being stuck in “the Pagan bubble.” I was reminded of the unimportance of labels at the conference, when a woman who I resonated with asked, “what is a Pagan, anyway?” and through conversation she realized that she follows Pagan practices and philosophies, while not having been familiar with the term. How lovely! We are all connected, regardless of what we call ourselves.
Along that same line of thought, here’s a post on what Pagans do.
Our friends the Martins, well-known advocates for unschooling, were on the mainstream TV show “Wife Swap” this week. It’s interesting and affirming to see positive media coverage for this emerging lifestyle choice.
I loved reading this young man’s impassioned and thoughtful letter to the editor on why unschooling works.
I hope things are well in your world, and that your own expansion flows to you on many levels. Blessings!
These are great resources and I look forward to checking out the ones I wasn’t aware of. Thank you for including Skylar’a letter to the editor. <3
You’re so welcome, Mani! The letter was fantastic. I hope you’ll stop by again. Blessings!