Last week we attended the Life Rocks! Radical Unschooling conference in New Hampshire. It was our second year, and BlackLion and I were even more involved as presenters. We gave a session on unschooling support groups, and offered joyshops on fairy house building and vision board making, a drum circle, and a morning meditation session. Everything was very well received, and we connected with so many amazing and delightful people! It was even better than I thought it would be!
ElvenTiger was whisked away by her friends (one of whom, at age 10, is her biggest fan) the moment we arrived at the hotel. She had a fantastic week. She and I were both part of the hypnosis show with the awesome Roderick Russell. She rocked her flow arts (hula hoop and LED poi – at the same time no less) at the talent show, and did a fire poi demo as well. I could see her blossoming just by being there among her unschooling peeps, and that has continued after the conference.
We forgot to rest after we got back, and like many of the other attendees, ElvenTiger and I both caught a cold. In resting and recharging, I’ve been able to take the time to really delve into some of the ideas and vibrations from the conference. I think because of the very focused, positive and uplifting energies of the conference community, it made it challenging to get back to everyday life. As my friend Josha said, “Sometimes when we feel such expansion it’s challenging to integrate it and start the process of actually bringing that expansion into our daily lives because of the patterns that are already there.” That said, I feel I’m actually on track, spiraling upward.
I’ve learned so much and have received so much inspiration, I feel like I have several different posts to write…but I’m not ready to shape them into articles just yet. Instead, I offer you this collection of some ideas that are inspiring me: self-hypnosis, the 80/20 rule, radical socially conscious entrepreneurship, the many forms of energy exchange, Soul Collage, presumption of partnership, Burning Man, uncollege, mastermind groups, midlife crisis as the hero’s journey, and Jung’s process of individuation.
My thanks to all our new and old conference friends for the inspiration, support, fun, and love!
P.S. I’d love to hear your feedback, or if you have questions about my collection of ideas. Comment below…