Speaking It AND Living It
Quester and I have had a longtime inside joke about being able to either understand the meaning and flow of life, or to articulate it, but not both. When you’re feeling in the groove and you try to share it, all that comes out is “blahblahblah.” Humor aside, I’ve noticed that I haven’t been posting […]
A Harmonious Union
I just finished reading Zen Druidry: Living a Natural Life, with Full Awareness by Joanna van der Hoeven. The premise of this Pagan Portals volume is that “Zen teachings and Druidry can combine to create a peaceful life path that is completely and utterly dedicated to the here and now, to the earth and her […]
The Library of Your Mind
My friend J.F. posted the most interesting question I’ve seen on Facebook in some time, perhaps ever. He asked, “If your mind was a library, what would it be like?” He went on to ask specific questions about what would be included, and summed up with, “tell me about the library of your mind.” Here […]
Freedom in Daily Choices
I just finished the last session of the Shift Your Biz online course. It was excellent! I learned a lot, and I’m still integrating some of the lessons. One of the most practical and profound for me, though was about re-framing your daily actions as ones you are choosing to do. Linda and Dani, in […]
Have Some Delicious Fruit
“Take the worthiness that is yours, and let the ‘Fairies of the Universe’ assist you. Stop taking so much responsibility upon yourself, and live happily ever after. Shorten that crevasse between where you are and where you want to be, on every subject, to now, now, now, now, now. Ride the wave. Just pluck the […]
Starcat’s Favorites: Expansion
I don’t know if it’s because of spring, the Life Rocks! conference, my inner spiritual practices, my Word of the Year, or some combination, but I’m feeling very expansive right now. I’m growing more each day, and my life is becoming more joyful. My creativity is soaring. My relationships are fun. Even the sad and […]
Spiraling Upward
Last week we attended the Life Rocks! Radical Unschooling conference in New Hampshire. It was our second year, and BlackLion and I were even more involved as presenters. We gave a session on unschooling support groups, and offered joyshops on fairy house building and vision board making, a drum circle, and a morning meditation session. […]