This is the third weekend in a row that we’ve been gifted with a snowstorm. Many folks are getting tired of it (and I’ll admit I’m sick of winter weather in general), but I still enjoy having a “snowed in” day. Last night I had lots of fun and learning while drumming for some amazing belly dancers. Tomorrow night I am leading our circle’s Full Moon ritual.
Right now, in between my outside-world activities, there is a sacred, quiet pause. A space for sleeping late, contemplation, catching up on correspondence, reflection, writing in my journal, dancing practice, and (this evening) gaming with my family. Lentil soup and homemade salsa. Snuggly cats and warm blankets. Chatting with my teens about concerts, the upcoming Life Rocks! conference, and the plans for our D&D characters. Life is good.
Here are my favorite links from the week. Enjoy!
This especially resonates with my day today: The Space Between. Mmmm….
This week’s Full Moon explores the interplay between Virgo (Moon) and Pisces (Sun).
Love your body! Yes, you!
A beautiful piece about letting go and allowing yourself to flow, particularly when you feel stuck.
You might know without a doubt whether you’re an introvert or an extravert. If not, take the quiz. Or, just take it because you love quizzes and surveys (like I do).
Last but not least, 10 reasons to unschool your kids (and yourself).
Many blessings to you this week and always.