My, my, how February is just flying by! I’ve been more busy than usual (is that possible!?) over the past few weeks, and blogging has fallen to the bottom of a long list. But I’m back! I’ll have more to say this week, but first a bit of catching up.
What’s been going on? Quester was sick with some kind of nasty virus that kept him in bed for quite a while. While he’s recovering I’ve been helping with the family finances by picking up some extra shifts at my very part-time work-outside-the-home gig. At the same time I’ve been learning more about getting the word out about my business and my book (so I can use my calling to help support the family), participating in another round of the 90-Day Dance Challenge, playing at Dark Follies gigs, celebrating love and a special birthday, dealing with a crisis in an organization I’m involved with, and more. Yeah, I’m tired.
In between all of that, I’ve been saving up the best of the links I’ve come across. Here are some I really want to share with you.
This video is my favorite depiction of unschooling ever. It meshes so well with my own philosophies on education (for myself as well as my kids).
I don’t think 40 is all that old, but I do love this letter from a Mom to her kids. It’s filled with actual useful advice.
Here’s another excellent article, this one on the value of regular practice. Many thanks to the leader of my performance troupe for sharing it!
I’m inspired by Kris Carr for many reasons. Here are her tips for healthy living, ones which helped her deal with her chronic illness, but they can be useful to most anyone.
This one is also about health tips, this one from “people who never get sick.” Intriguing.
And finally, for the astrology fans among us, check out Rob Brezsny’s 2013 forecasts.
Have a lovely week, stay healthy, and learn something new!
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