Goals for 2013

I long ago gave up resolutions, but each winter around this time I create and write up a list of personal goals for the coming year. Over the past couple of years, I’ve noticed that I really haven’t been following my own plan. Yes, I’ve accomplished some of the things on my list, but often I’ve tuned in to new interests and opportunities, and set aside what I thought I’d be most focused on for that year.

I think perhaps my lists were too long, and too specific. They were focused on external actions, rather than the inner growth that is my passion. So this year, after a lot of listening and reflection, I’m foregoing the standard list of goals in favor of a broader set of intentions, one that is flexible and can encompass the many possible types of terrain I might encounter along my path.

For this very self-improvement oriented Virgo, it seems a bit risky, like walking the tightrope without a net. Yet I’m also excited to trust myself in a new way. Interestingly, my work building my self-love and confidence, which has been on my goals list for the past three years (2012, 2011, and 2010) has helped me have faith in my ability to improvise.

I’ve still chosen a Word of the Year, or it chose me, and that too seems like a bit of a stretch this time. My word is RECEIVE. I encountered some resistance about embracing the word, and even more about sharing it with others. “What if they think I’m selfish? Who would pick a word like ‘receive’? Doesn’t it seem more consumerist than spiritual?” Luckily, I’ve also been learning to listen to my own intuition, rather than the old patterns that worry about others’ perceptions first.  RECEIVE is right for me; it’s one facet of a larger intention that I’m working with magickally over the next couple of years. I created a really cool vision board when RECEIVE and I first found each other a few weeks ago, and I’ll share it here soon.

So, here are my goals, er, I mean intentions for 2013:

My intention for 2013 is to receive the abundant blessings of the Universe. I practice joy, kindness, and presence. I connect with the Divine and with my fellow travelers. I listen deeply. I receive inspiration and support. From the open space of inspiration, I create through writing, art, magick, music, and movement. I share my creations lovingly. Through my deep connection with the energy of life, I am in service to wholeness and love.

What are your plans, goals, and intentions for the new year?

One Response

  1. jenn
    jenn January 21, 2013 at 9:08 pm | | Reply

    Receive is a great word. It belongs to the feminine realm and is a great antidote to Doing too much, which ails most of us in the 21st century. great post! thanks for stopping by Musemother

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